The Trimalco brand has recently celebrated its tenth anniversary.
Those ten years have included many notable firsts. In 2012 we were the first to offer a triple blade cutting tool for PVC foam board and the first to offer an adjustable V-groove tool capable of grooving 2, 3 and 4 mm composites. In 2013 we were the first to offer a vertical cutter capable of cutting 250 cm and 2018 we topped that with the first vertical cutter of its type capable of cutting boards up to 310 cm long.
Less noticeable but just as important was the redesign of the extrusion now used on all our rail cutter products. This new multi-cavity extrusion is guaranteed straight to 0.4 mm over its length. The design of this extrusion also allows us to manufacture the Europa and Nemesis cutters up to 5 m long.
Innovation is only part of the story, producing high quality products at value for money prices is really what we are about. We call it “Affordable Accuracy”.